Thursday, November 19, 2009

Reading session

  • Visit our blog,, if you have read one of the recommended books you can write a comment. 
  • then you can post in your own blog a comment about the book that you are reading.
  • seach information about what is "google books" and post it in your blog.
Enjoy yourself!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

About your blogs!!!

Please cheak this list and make sure your blog  includes all these points:

  1. The template of your blog must be "washim-denim".
  2. You can costumize the colors but the background must be white.
  3. Go to Layout and insert an image in the heading; the image must be 750x190 px.
  4. A link list with all the students from our subject.
  5. Please include the gadget: labels, and remmember to label all your posts in one of this categories: word, theory, powerpoint, web 2.0, gimp....
  6. The answer of our theorical exercises.
  7. A link to a document made with open office about mallorca and uploaded in googlesites.
  8. A document about a celebrity using the styles that the teacher gave you and posted in your blog using
  9. A summary of the work about the same celebrity with the ten more important points to prepare an speech. (You can ask Bradley to help you.) Post your document using
Enjoy yourself...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Exercise 2- openoffice-Styles

Using the tutorial Chapter 3- Styles

Create a document using this styles. Copy and paste a document from wikipedia about a celebrity.

Heading 1 Paragraph Style
Font: Bodoni MT Black, Color:red 3, Font Size: 16 pt. Typeface: Bold
Background: Light
Alignment: Centered

Heading 2 Paragraph Style
Font: Font: Bodoni MT Black,, Color:red 3, Font Size: 16 pt. Typeface: Bold
Background: None
Alignment: Left

Heading 3 Paragraph Style
Font: Font: AvantGarde Bk BT, Color:red 3, Font Size: 14 pt. Typeface: Bold
Background: None
Alignment: Left

Text body
Font: AvantGarde Bk BT, Color:black, Font Size: 12 pt. Typeface: None
Background: None
Alignment: Left

Create A Table Of Contents

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How to post a document in your blog

Post your document about mallorca in your blog using google sites.

google sites tutorial

link structure: site/Home/name of your document.pdf

link structure: site/Home/name of your document.doc

Friday, October 2, 2009

3. exercise Open0ffice- 1

exercise 1- Open0ffice-
Using the tutorial Chapter 1- lesson 6 tutorial1
Create a template with the following features:
  1. Language English (Tools)
  2. Page Format:
  3. Orientation: Landscape
  4. Margin: 3,00 cm right, 3,00 cm left, 2,50 cm top, 2,50 cm bottom
  5. Footer content: Right-Your name- IT 4, Left- Page Number
  6. Format: 3 Columns
  7. Save as a template, landscape1_your
Create A New Document From this Template, name exercice1_your name.odt
Cut and past the wikipedia page about Mallorca with out format.

Save it in your pendrive and in K:it4/yourname folder_mallorca

Monday, September 28, 2009


The program we will use in this subject is Open Office. You can download the portable version from the website:

Download it in a pen drive and make the installation in the pen drive (F:) following the instructions. The portable version allows you to use this English version no matter which computer are you working with.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A computer system

Post the answers in your blog:

1. What is an input device? Writte down which input devices you know and post an image of each one.
2.What is an output device? Writte down which output devices you know and post and image of each one.
3. What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
4. What is a backing storage? Which types of backing storage do you know?

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Post in your blog:

1. What is data?
2. Explain the difference between data and information.
3. How many bits are in a byte? and in a gigabyte? and in a kilobyte or KB?
 Serch the net for a image of: 25KB. Post it in your blog.
4. What do the letters LAN and WAN stand for?
5. Search the internet and look for images that explains what is:
  • A star network
  • A line network
  • A ring network

Monday, July 27, 2009

Information:How Twitter Will Change the Way We L

The one thing you can say for certain about Twitter is that it makes a terrible first impression. You hear about this new service that lets you send 140-character updates to your "followers," and you think, Why does the world need this, exactly?

It's not as if we were all sitting around four years ago scratching our heads and saying, "If only there were a technology that would allow me to send a message to my 50 friends, alerting them in real time about my choice of breakfast cereal."

And yet as millions of devotees have discovered, Twitter turns out to have unsuspected depth.
In part this is because hearing about what your friends had for breakfast is actually more interesting than it sounds.

here you can see an example:

The Open ConversationEarlier this year I attended a daylong conference in Manhattan devoted to education reform. Called Hacking Education, it was a small, private affair: 40-odd educators, entrepreneurs, scholars, philanthropists and venture capitalists, all engaged in a sprawling six-hour conversation about the future of schools. Twenty years ago, the ideas exchanged in that conversation would have been confined to the minds of the participants. Ten years ago, a transcript might have been published weeks or months later on the Web. Five years ago, a handful of participants might have blogged about their experiences after the fact. (See the top 10 celebrity Twitter feeds.)
But this event was happening in 2009, so trailing behind the real-time, real-world conversation was an equally real-time conversation on Twitter. At the outset of the conference, our hosts announced that anyone who wanted to post live commentary about the event via Twitter should include the word #hackedu in his 140 characters. In the room, a large display screen showed a running feed of tweets. Then we all started talking, and as we did, a shadow conversation unfolded on the screen: summaries of someone's argument, the occasional joke, suggested links for further reading. At one point, a brief argument flared up between two participants in the room — a tense back-and-forth that transpired silently on the screen as the rest of us conversed in friendly tones.
At first, all these tweets came from inside the room and were created exclusively by conference participants tapping away on their laptops or BlackBerrys. But within half an hour or so, word began to seep out into the Twittersphere that an interesting conversation about the future of schools was happening at #hackedu. A few tweets appeared on the screen from strangers announcing that they were following the #hackedu thread. Then others joined the conversation, adding their observations or proposing topics for further exploration. A few experts grumbled publicly about how they hadn't been invited to the conference. Back in the room, we pulled interesting ideas and questions from the screen and integrated them into our face-to-face conversation.
When the conference wrapped up at the end of the day, there was a public record of hundreds of tweets documenting the conversation. And the conversation continued — if you search Twitter for #hackedu, you'll find dozens of new comments posted over the past few weeks, even though the conference happened in early March.
Injecting Twitter into that conversation fundamentally changed the rules of engagement. It added a second layer of discussion and brought a wider audience into what would have been a private exchange. And it gave the event an afterlife on the Web. Yes, it was built entirely out of 140-character messages, but the sum total of those tweets added up to something truly substantive, like a suspension bridge made of pebbles.

Which situations do you think twitter could change our way of life in?
Twitter it!! And remember that the most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.

Excercise number 2: join in twitter!

Join in twitter and post in your blog your username.

Exercise 1. get tweetwise!

Serch the web and try to answer these questions about TWITTER:
1.What's twitter?
2.How to tweet?
Post in your blog a video explaining how to use twitter.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

travel in my mind- project

Choose a travel destination

Prepare a trip for ten people 10 days
Budget: unlimited
You are suppose to prepear a report about your trip in order to get sponsoring.

You need to present:

  1. Information about the country you are going to visit:(Culture, food&drink, what to see, language, clima....) Application Program: Microsoft word or Oppen Office
  2. Calculation about the cost of the travel (transport, accommodation, Activities) Programm: Exel or Calc
  3. Itinerary. Description and map Application: google maps mushpup
  4. Data base about the people who participate in the trip
    (name, adress, mail....) Program: Acces
  5. Broshure with all the information of the trip (1O pag. DN4, landscape format) Program: Publisher, Gimp (for the images)
  6. share your information in our wiki:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Animated gif

Something must fly in this sky... try it using gimp!


Monday, January 26, 2009

exercise 5

Replace your face in a movieposter of your choise. (if you want you can iclude the face of some of your friends).

Here you have some youtube-help:

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


insert image in another image 200x200px, 72PPP, round shape.