Sunday, September 16, 2012

Improving your blog

In diferents posts:
and Enjoy yourself!!!!

Common computer terminology in English

The following is a short list of some common computer terminology in English.
Vocabulary 1

And Some Spanish - English Computer Vocabulary
vocabulary 2

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Welcome on board!

Welcome to all the new students of IT in english!

And remember, in english the word "informatic" doesn't exist!!!! We usually speak about Computer Studies and Information Technology: IT.

The world of computing is changing constantly, so this subject has been designed not just to show you how computing works, but to help prepare you for living in the real world.
So I hope you will enjoy it!!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


What is Dipity?
Dipity is a free digital timeline website. Our mission is to organize the web's content by date and time. Users can create, share, embed and collaborate on interactive, visually engaging timelines that integrate video, audio, images, text, links, social media, location and timestamps.

Who is Dipity for?
Dipity timelines are for anyone who uses the Internet. Newspapers, journalists, celebrities, government organizations, politicians, financial institutions, community managers, museums, universities, teachers, students, non-profits and bloggers all use Dipity to create timelines.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Final essay!

Write an essay about one issue discussed this year in our subject.
Rubric must be written as a question.
ex. "to what extend had Facebook changed our world?

250 words- printed in dn4- 1 point of the final mark.

Do not copy-paste!
if you quote somebody, write it in the bibliogray
We want your opinion!

traveling around the world project

Traveling around the world:

1. Presentation prezi
2. Itineray-Cost-Flight-Hotels (use of exel, google maps, word....)
3. Prochure in pdf

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

crop and paste!


Answer the question with image 300 x 550 px 72ppp.

What are they talking about?

  • change the background
  • write the dialog


Add a background to this images. If you need help search for a tutorial in youtube, how to change background.


can you try it?