Sunday, November 9, 2008

Exercise 3. Text Content

(Using the template and the style of exercise 2,...)

1. What is Web 2.0
1.1 Definition
1.2 Characteristics
1.3 Technology overview

2 Aplications

Exercise 4. Table

Insert table 8x19 cells:
Row contents:
1 Definition
2 How does it work?
3 Kind of company
4 Owner
5 Key people
6 Slogan-logo
7 Typ of site
8 Others

Colums contents:
1. E-bay
2. Blogger
3. Slideshare
4. Twitter
5. Facebook
6. Pod-cast
7. You-tube
8. Craiglist
9. Wikipedia
11. Skype,
13. AdSense
14. Flickr
15. Google docs
16. I-tunes
18. Google mapsMap quest

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